COVID-19: Stay Connected While Staying Safe With Airtel Thanks App

 COVID-19: Stay Connected While Staying Safe With Airtel Thanks App

COVID-19: Stay Connected While Staying Safe With Airtel Thanks App

To support self-quarantine, and to truly be there for its customers during this time of need, Airtel has made recharging all its services distance-friendly. Through its app, Airtel Thanks, you can easily recharge your mobile, internet, DTH, and other Airtel services.

How to use the app

Using the app is a lot simpler than doing the same thing in person. Simply go to your app store and install the Airtel Thanks app. You don’t need to log in or sign up to access it and use the services. Right after installing the app, you can choose what you want to do. For instance, if you want to recharge your mobile, select on the ‘mobile recharge’ option and enter your mobile number. You can then browse through the available plans and select the one that best suits your needs. Once you’ve selected your plan, make the payment online, and you’re done! Here’s a video that walks you through it.

Follow the same for DTH, data card, and other services. The only difference will be that instead of your mobile number, you’ll have to enter the unique identification number for the service. For instance, for DTH, you’ll need to enter the DTH account number and for the data card, you’ll have to enter the data card number. Staying connected while staying safe is literally that simple through the Airtel Thanks app.

Help those around you

During self-quarantine, it’s important for your mental health and well-being to stay connected to your loved ones. Whether that’s video calling your family every day or schedule calls with your long-lost friends to catch up. This is the perfect opportunity to spend your time with those who truly matter, even if virtually. Staying connected will also help you get out of your head and not panic when things get overwhelming.

The same goes for others around you who might not be as digitally native as you or use feature phones that sadly can’t have apps. It could be your domestic help, building guard, or even the elderly in the house. Make sure to look out for them as well and help them out with their mobile recharges. And since, the Airtel Thanks app allows you to recharge other numbers as well, it won’t be difficult at all. So, stay indoors, use the digital services provided to you and keep yourself and others around you safe.