81 Topic Ideas for Starting a Blog that Matters

 81 Topic Ideas for Starting a Blog that Matters

81 Topic Ideas for Starting a Blog that Matters

  • Self-improvement/Self-Hypnosis
  • Health & Fitness for Busy People
  • Language Learning Blogs
  • How to Travel on a Budget (Best hotel deals. Car rental. Trip advice.)
  • Writing Style
  • Rescued Animals
  • Personal Development (Passions & Ambition Pursuing)
  • Social Dynamics & Communication Skills
  • Working in Uncommon Fields of Expertise While Location Independence
  • Self Defense
  • Recipes for couples without children
  • Male guide to female communication
  • Using technology in small business (Google Docs, CRM, credit card processing)
  • Blogging about special kinds of foods (we’ve got a course on this one!)
  • Bullying/cyberbullying
  • Behavioral disorders in children
  • Body-weight training
  • Entrepreneurial education for young children & adults
  • Disc Golf
  • DIY Projects, DIY Business and Selling Homemade Items
  • How to Have a Strong Marriage
  • How to be a real and true friend
  • How to Train for a Triathlon
  • Careers vs job: following your passion
  • Getting VMWare Certified
  • Getting Microsoft Certified
  • Hamburgers
  • Self-sustaining lifestyle (grow your own food/ use solar power etc)
  • Mind strengthening (mind over matter/ lucid dreaming)
  • Beyond the basics of personal financial management
  • Healthy eating blog
  • Ghost-hunting
  • Homebrewing beer
  • Self-defense training (“for women” or “for children” or “for business executives”)
  • Indie Video Game Development
  • Video Game tactics showed through video tutorials
  • Helping small businesses get more customers
  • Community gardening/Urban farming
  • Starting and running your own social network
  • Point and Shoot Photography (How to create incredible photographs with whatever camera you have in your pocket)
  • Blog & Website Design for Non-Designers (How to make your blog look incredible without spending a fortune)
  • The Art of Getting What You Want (How to use confidence and technique to get what you want from life, your relationships, and your career)
  • Make Good Video for the Web (How to leverage the video medium to take your brand, blog, website, or business to the next level)
  • Self-Employment (The logistics behind how to start working for yourself (i.e. How to leave your job, find health insurance, set up an LLC, etc.)
  • How to write an e-bestseller (How could we document the process of creating an Amazon Kindle (or another electronic format) bestseller.)
  • Rapid Language Learning
  • How to become a better writer
  • How to lose weight and feel awesome (Even at middle age! The Primal/Paleo way)
  • Vegan diet
  • Cycling. More specifically, urban commuting.
  • Apartment living (this could range from renter issues to decor, etc.)
  • Interior design blog
  • Eating organic on a tight budget
  • Health-conscious, High mileage, Minimalist traveling
  • How to Become a Famous Rock-star
  • Sports Photography
  • Life skills/life coaching for high school students
  • College planning for homeschoolers
  • Speaking in Public (How to overcome the fear to the audience; minimalistic approach to presentations, etc.)
  • A Family-related site (Topics centered mostly on improving the relationship between family members; how to increase the creativity of kids and especially parents; how to help kids to find their passion and inner peace.)
  • Alternative Running Events (Mud runs, Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Warrior Dash, etc.)
  • Learning the Ukulele
  • Learn How to Play Guitar
  • How to Get What You Want Without Breaking the Law or Burning Bridges
  • Becoming a wine connoisseur
  • Build a boat and cross the Pacific in it
  • Getting good at tennis and qualifying for Wimbledon
  • Windsurfing
  • Regular Surfing
  • How mobile applications that can improve one’s work productivity, relationships with friends and family, and overall quality of life.
  • Simpler Living (a blog that will explore and map a journey from a miserable 6 figure a year traditional way of living back to an often forgotten way of life.)
  • The best “places” around the world & do they live up to the hype?
  • How to do travel photography/videography
  • The Great Recession (A blog based upon a sustainable lifestyle with a smaller footprint.)
  • Building an iPhone application
  • The end of the world and the Maya prophecies for December 21st, 2012
  • Car maintenance
  • Running a Small Agile Business (we’ve got a 9 stage blogging/business roadmap for this)
  • A “Good Cause” Site (Telling the Stories of Successful Non-Profits & Charities)
  • Eco-tourism
  • The world of virtual conferences